Transparency Act

Wenn ASA is registered in Norway and complies with the Norwegian Transparency Act.

Wenn published its first statement on June 30, 2023. The statement below as of June 30, 2024 describes how we have approached and will continue to approach the relevant requirements. There have been no deviations reported since the last statement.

Wenn ASA ("Wenn"/"the company") is subject to the Transparency Act and has conducted due diligence assessments in accordance with the law's requirements. Below is Wenn's statement regarding the due diligence assessments.

Wenn's Organization and Scope of Operations

Wenn has developed a scanner that, using camera technology/computer vision, collects data about cars in motion. Machine learning models are then used to detect damages. Initially, this product is sold to car rental companies and others who need to document the condition of a car before and after a rental period.

As of June 30 2024, Wenn operates at Gardermoen Airport in Oslo, the airports in Munich, Berlin, Vienna, Gatwick, Copenhagen and Palma, as well as local entities in the UK, Copenhagen and Stavanger.

Wenn is a Norwegian ASA, with a registered business address at Grenseveien 21 in Sandnes, Norway.

As of June 30 2024, the company has 18 permanent employees.

Please refer to the company's annual report for 2023 and the website for further information.

Policies and Procedures for Addressing Actual and Potential Negative Consequences

The company has developed a quarterly employee survey that is also reviewed with all employees. This process will be the first instance to uncover negative consequences for the work environment and human rights. Specific reporting procedures are also established for cases not addressed in the survey.

The company has also established ethical guidelines that are reviewed with all employees. These are developed by management, re-evaluated annually, and approved by the board.

There have been no breaches of human rights in the company's operations or among direct suppliers. The company provides excellent working conditions for all employees.

The company has initiated the development of a supplier code of conduct and the inclusion of relevant clauses in relevant contracts.

Actual Negative Consequences and Significant Risks of Negative Consequences Identified by the Company through its Due Diligence Assessments

The company will focus on the following risk areas going forward:

Environmental impacts from the production of the company's hardware.

Working conditions for employees of suppliers outside of Europe.

Procedures and working conditions for the company's employees in Norway.

Thus far, no negative consequences or risks have been identified through the company's due diligence assessments.

Measures Implemented or Planned by the Company to Prevent or Limit Significant Risks of Negative Consequences and the Results of These Measures

In 2023, Wenn conducted training for management and employees to ensure that due diligence assessments are done in a relevant and adequate manner, and this work will be done on a continuous basis going forward. Wenn is incorporating expectations of accountability into contracts with suppliers and business partners.


Sandnes, June 30, 2024

Trygve Pedersen (CEO),

signed on behalf of the board